Box House Antiques

Antique Shops

In the old days antique dealers and collectors used to mainly patronize antique shops.

Well established antique shops were the only effective place to find antiques. Shops proliferated in the post war era with a huge growth in numbers starting up in the 1960s with many coming and going but always with a secure place for the well established antique shop.

In the USA antique shops are usually referred to as an ‘antique malls’ or ‘antique stores’.

Useful tips – Antique Shops

Whenever possible try and consult with the actual owner of the business rather than their staff for best reults. This is because the shop assistants simply cannot be expected to be qualified to give accurate and detailed information about an antique piece. The owners of the shops are the ones that do the buying and carry the full responsibility for the authenticity and quality of their stock.

Look for shops that have been in one family for generations. Continuity and reputation is everything in this business.